Interview with Beat John, Managing Director of Opferhilfe beider Basel since August 2022

You managed the vocational training and operations of the Arxhof center for young adults for several years. Why have you changed sides, so to speak?

There are many similarities. Both institutions are about a kind of resocialization and being able to live again without fears and constraints. Working with young criminal men has also brought me closer to the world of the victims. I got to know many victims during this time. And I realized how difficult their experiences make it for them to participate in a happy and fulfilling life.

What are you looking forward to in your new role?

It is impressive to see and experience how many partner institutions, committees, experts, committed people and organizations are working in and for victim protection. Achieving ambitious goals together with all of them really appeals to me.

Victim protection has gained in importance. The Istanbul Convention has also contributed to this. How we prioritize and shape victim protection is an important task for our society.

What motivates you in your daily work?

People affected by violence suffer greatly. It is a silent suffering, associated with shame, fear, insecurity and powerlessness. It is incredibly motivating to give these people a voice, advise them and show them ways to improve their quality of life. And then I get to work with a very competent and committed team. I can create the conditions for my employees to carry out this valuable task with a great deal of strength and confidence. If that’s not motivation!

How do you find a balance to your work?

A good meal with family and friends, an art exhibition in a museum or gallery, a few hours of creative fun in my workshop and lots of laughter…