Opferhilfe beider Basel offers a wide range of counseling services for victims of crime. Violent crimes happen both in the domestic environment and in public spaces, which is why we take great care to understand your individual concerns and problems that arise for you personally. Experienced specialists will work with you to find solutions and support you when it comes to dealing with the consequences of a criminal offense. The homepage offers a lot of information about the specialized consultations we offer. The following services are common to all consultations:
Personal or telephone advice and chat advice
Accompaniment and support in criminal proceedings
Advice and information on medical, social, legal, psychological and insurance-related issues
Advice in crisis situations
Accompaniment to medical examination, filing of charges and court hearing
Support in claiming compensation/compensation
Referral to specialists (therapists, lawyers, doctors).
Arrangement of emergency accommodation if required.
Mediation of financial benefits in accordance with the Victim Assistance Act
Advice also available at Kanonengasse 33 in Liestal, Basel-Landschaft.
Counseling by Opferhilfe beider Basel is free of charge and anonymous if desired. Our employees are subject to a duty of confidentiality.