
What is stalking?

Stalking refers to the repeated and intensive harassment or terrorization of a person against their will. The stalker often acts out of an obsession. He/she tries to exert power and control over the victim by lying in wait, observing, following and investigating, by making harassing telephone calls and even telephone terror or by sending letters and gifts.


  • Unsolicited letters, e-mails, phone calls, text messages, gifts
  • Observing, following and scouting the victim and their social environment
  • Ordering goods and services on behalf of the victim
  • Defamation of the victim with third parties
  • Damage to the victim’s door, letterbox, car, etc.
  • Threats against the victim and their environment (children, pets, other caregivers)
  • Physical or sexual assaults on the victim

The majority of stalkers are former or current (spouses) partners who are unable to come to terms with a separation or who want to take revenge for their partner’s estrangement (65%). Stalkers are also known to seek personal revenge on the authorities or other people involved in their professional or private lives. In 80% of cases, the stalker is known to the victim.

Consequences of stalking

Stalking usually extends over longer periods of time and is usually made up of many individual acts. The duration and frequency can lead to a serious impairment of quality of life:

  • They feel constantly watched, threatened and afraid.
  • They increasingly begin to avoid certain places where the stalker might appear and can no longer move around freely.
  • In order not to involve your social environment, you avoid contact and increasingly isolate yourself.
  • Stalking causes a loss of trust, anxiety, insomnia, loss of joie de vivre, depression and much more.
  • It can happen that you can no longer withstand the pressure and return to the stalker in resignation.

Advice and support

If you are affected by stalking, you can get help and support from our advice center. We will inform you in detail about criminal law options and civil law protective measures. We also give you useful tips on how to deal with harassment.
We advise and support you in taking legal action.
If necessary, we can arrange therapeutic help for you.

Stalking fact sheet