Donate now

For a social society based on solidarity

The donation market has become more demanding in recent years. This is because the number of organizations that rely on private donations is growing. Your donation will strengthen the protection of victims and help to alleviate the pain they have suffered and give them prospects. They make an important contribution to a “caring society”, a social society based on solidarity.

We would be delighted if you could express your appreciation of our work with a donation.

Donation account:
CH55 0900 0000 6046 7407 0

QR invoice: QR invoice

Why Opferhilfe beider Basel is dependent on donations

Opferhilfe beider Basel works on the basis of a service agreement with the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. It sets out the tasks, objectives and funding. The funding is sufficient to ensure that the office can function properly and provide legal assistance to victims. However, the sponsoring cantons also stipulate that we must generate income from donations.

Donations are essential so that we can support victims in need. They flow into the Emergency Assistance Fund, through which we can provide benefits that do not fall under the Victim Assistance Act (OHG). There are always situations in which the law ties our hands. One example is a traffic accident in which a client’s dog was injured. The dog’s medical treatment was financed from the emergency fund. In the case of a mother and her two children, who had suffered domestic violence for several years, we were also able to provide a long-overdue vacation thanks to donations.

We can also only carry out prevention work thanks to donations. It is not covered by the Victim Assistance Act. For example, our experts visit school classes to talk about violence. And they show young people how to set themselves apart and protect themselves from being touched.

Psychological violence such as insults, verbal humiliation, verbal abuse, suicide threats and accusations cannot always be linked to a criminal offense. In such cases, the Victim Assistance Act does not apply. But psychological violence occurs frequently and the suffering is great. Thanks to donations, we can offer victims access to help and necessary therapies, especially in cases of psychological violence within relationships.

Finally, Opferhilfe beider Basel relies on project donations to enable important services and developments for victims. These include chat counseling, the “Louise is here” project and #bleibnichtallein in the area of children and young people.